Coffee Corner

Doutor Coffee, medium Roast, made in Japan

Bought in Kyoto, Japan ( not to be confused with Kim Jong-un's special blend 'Dotard Coffee' 🤣 )

from Kyoto, Japan

Img by Taipei-metro

Panasonic mFT G6,
Canon FD 50mm F1.8 Fullframe Lens made in Japan
Neewer NTTL Speedlight fired
A cluttered coffee corner​

Photographer: Yokosuka Mike
My kitchen - Yokosuka, Japan​
Eh, Monsieur Menteur... with your telltale monicker, can we believe anything you tell us?

This said, your excellent photograph speaks volumes for itself. What, pray tell, is the exixyl in the other two glasses? I have my own thoughts about this, but I will await your response.

What is missing in this image, of course, is your camera, but then you were surely using it for this image, so I will shut my mouth and say no more...

I take it this is somewhere in Hanoi. Please can you tell us more? I may be visiting that place later this year, and as coffee is one of my great life passions, I surely would like to know more.
It is chrysanthemum tea usually served together with coffee -robusta. Vietnam is now the second largest coffee exporter in the world and has a rich and varied coffee culture that even Starbucks has not been able to crack. Saigon is a great place to be but it's better not to leave your camera on a coffee table since it will disappear fast. Considering your interest in architecture, while Hanoi is good for French colonial architecture Saigon is the place for Modernist architecture. Cheers, OtL
Havana - 2015 Local coffee shop where coffee was about one penny a cup. These popped up everywhere when the government began to encourage private businesses. The owners realized in less than a year that the price which has so low because of competition was not enough for them to make enough to justify their time compared to the dollar a day minimum wage.
